Affiliate Portal

Register as Affiliate

Bank Name

Bank Account Number

National ID Number

Your NIN Number

First Name

Your first name.

Last Name

Your last name.


Your username.

Account Email

Your primary email, used for logging in.


Your primary password, used for logging in.

Phone Number

Whatsapp Number

Location (State)

Location (L.G.A)

Your Facebook Link

Your Instagram Link

Your Twitter Link

Your LinkedIn Link

Website / Blog

Sales Channel (What Channel / Platform would you use to sell?) Please select all that apply
If Others, Which Sales Channel?

Do you have any experience in Affiliate Marketing?

If Yes, What do you sell?

How did you hear about the GaraMart Affiliate Marketing Program?
If Others, Which Platform?

Your account will need to be approved before you can earn Referrals. You'll receive an email once it's approved.
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